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Ecommerce website

VinayKokate22's github profile

Ecomerce website where user can view various products with admin dashboard

Ping Pomg

ayan-joshi's github profile

It is a ping pong multiplayer game made with javascript html and css


Google-ka-Dinosaur's github profile

A web3 based decentralised money lending system to allow users to send,receive,borrow and lend money(on Goerli Testnet)

Score Keeper

shagunZ's github profile

Built using reactjs, this app provides a user-friendly interface and real-time score updates. The app dynamically updates the scores in real-time, providing an interactive and engaging experience. The app incorporates a score limit feature and displays the winner when the score limit is reached.


Killer2OP's github profile

It is a clone of LinkedIn website.


shagunZ's github profile

The MovieApp is built with reactjs, leveraging APIs to provide users with an extensive collection of movies and comprehensive search options. The app dynamically retrieves movie data, including titles,ratings, posters, and more, ensuring an up-to-date and diverse selection for users to explore.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows

Google Clone

akshaykamath45's github profile

This is a Google Clone application built with reactjs JS, featuring a home page, search component, and search results page. It utilizes reactjs JS, Material UI, reactjs Router, and Context API for efficient UI development and state management. The application integrates with the Google Custom Search API for fetching search results. firebase is used for authentication and backend functionalities.


JasonDsouza212's github profile

This project is a collection of all the open-source projects that we and common people use in their day-to-day lives, such as a resume builder, remote jobs platform, readme generator, and more.

IT Services Web-App

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

This website is based on the Projects which is held during the final year of students.